They can still disengage because being within 5' of the Echo is not being within "your reach". Add in the Sentinel feat, and Sneak Attack upon move is. At this point, your core build is complete, the question is what other packages would you wish to pursue. The OA triggers at range, as if you were in melee, just like as if you were concentrating on a spell is not a spell but its still a concentration ( and so is the OA that gets triggered from 30 ft away from you ). Not your echo. One of the most interesting and less common combinations might be the Echo Knight/Hexblade multiclass. Maybe one of your echoes has a goatee or picked up a crazy face tattoo in their timeline. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of once). While each of the good subclasses has its own merit, we are featuring Divine Soul for its abundance of goodies: amazing additions to our spell list, a way to shore up our defenses and occasionally offenses through Favored by the Gods, and an additional spell to our small list of known spells. At 18th level, you can use a bonus action to create two echos with your Manifest Echo feature, and these echoes can co-exist. Its cool to see such an interesting and inspired subclass idea brought to the Fighter class. Its range also becomes more flexible with echo maneuvers. Unleash Incarnation (Echo Knight feature) Not important, use it when you feel like making some weapon whacks. Only thing a little painful is the be so close to 9th level Sorc spells at the end. It targets the generally weakest saving throw of monsters, Intelligence, and doesnt allow repeated saving throws. Thats more positions that you can lock down, more ways to become your enemies greatest nightmare, and more ways to protect your allies. Metamagic Quickened Spell and Twinned Spell. Until the spell ends, the target's speed is doubled, it gains a +2 bonus to AC, it has advantage on Dexterity saving throws, and it gains an additional action on each of its turns. We have house ruled some options from grim hollow, causing my character to slowly transform into an elemental. Remember that these are not automatically added to your list of known spells. The Echo Knight is getting extra attacks right out of the gate! When it uses its echo teleportation (and also after a long rest when the dm decideds) it switches affinities, either having the element of its genie patron change, or the element of its own genasi form change. You dont need advantage on the attack roll if another enemy of the target is within 5 feet of it, that enemy isntincapacitated, and you dont have disadvantage on the attack roll. Starting at 7th level, you can temporarily transfer your consciousness to your echo. This build will also be taking advantage of its slowing effect within its radius. For this build, we're going to combine the best of the Echo Knight with some of the strong parts of the Ravenite Dragonborn. The genasi is also suffering but in a different way. Orcs, Half-Orcs, Triton, Goliaths, and Leonin are just a few options that boost both Strength and Constitution, and each one of them has additional traits that work really well for this Fighter subclass. Spending 2 sorcery points for a quickened eldritch blast is typically an expensive and inefficient drain of resources. Paladin. Youre facing a band of spooky warriors with its spooky leader commanding two chunky mutant misunderstood crocodiles. Little Kenku who has an imaginary friend (my familiar) that has now taken shape (the echo). you trade 1 sorcery point and a known sorcery spell for: The Echo Knight is a class with many problems, so you can expect your DM will have to make rulings so that everything makes sense. check out the. an opportunity attack when X occurs.. Any Warlock patron can work, but subclasses with strong 1st level core features are preferable. These echoes come from alternate/unrealized timelines. " Best of luck yourself, Knight Skywalker," Mia replied before the comm disconnected. Its 10-minute duration also helps us stretch our limited 3rd level slots to impact multiple encounters. Martial Archetype Echo Knight. > You can avoid provoking an opportunity Attack by taking the Disengage action. Going up to Ranger 5 lets you access pass without trace to bring your whole team into your ghost mode, granting your party easy surprise against your enemies. Otherworldly Wings (Divine Soul feature) At-will flight is always sweet, even if it comes late at this level. Keep reading for our new Echo Knight 5E Build. [edit] Updated the answer in the FAQ. For any other affinity, you can swap its spell into bless next level. I don't have the lore for the Echo Knight, but if I was DMing one I would use that to decide on things the rules don't cover. The impactful control spells are kicking in, and winning initiative becomes more valuable. Rules as written, no. In many of their sage advice compendiums, WotC didnt even use the word provoke when talking about opportunity attacks at all. Switching between the two characters involves the genasi back in its vessel, carried within the plasmoids ooze body like it was before or the plasmoid sort of being absorbed onto the genasi as a living armour type thing like venom is to Spider-Man. However, grabbing something like Great Weapon Master will help you deal some awesome damage with your attacks (including those from your echoes!) You have all of time (both what is and what might have been) on your side! The spooky leader is being roasted and can only move within your echos red area. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'tabletopjoab_com-box-4','ezslot_8',128,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tabletopjoab_com-box-4-0');The Echo Knight Fighter appears in the Explorers Guide to Wildemount sourcebook. It doesn't specify that you have to be standing there. The Wizard schools are generally okay, but they do have some weird mechanics and wording (like the Chronurgist capstone). The trigger for your reaction is when someone leaves the Echos space ( at least 5 feet away ). Can you gain advantage by being around a corner, and then making attacks as an unseen attacker? As such, I began to explore some of the rules and tactics around the use of Echo Knight abilities. Realistically, youll be taking the Attack action A LOT as a Fighter. For Undead Warlock, the Form of Dread ability allows you to control multiple enemies at once. In my post above. Dealing With Stunning Strike in 5e | Tips for DMs. The series debuted on October 7, 2022. In such a situation, I could definitely see Echo Knights functioning as a kind of Spec-Ops force within a larger military organization. Twinned spell and Subtle spell both have their merits, but they are less impactful for a character who forgoes standard spell progression. Sentinel Spell Changes: +fireball. Terms of Service - what you can, what you should not etc. Warcaster says "When a hostile creature's movement provokes an opportunity attack from you, you can use your reaction to cast a spell at the creature, rather than making an opportunity attack. Favored by the Gods (Divine Soul feature) A reliable insurance to help you pass a dangerous saving throw. The Knight Witch is a metroidvania adventure game with fast-paced, shoot 'em up combat set in a beautifully hand-drawn world. So, its between utility spells out of combat or a cool utility invisible familiar. Of course, this is a purely RAW interpretation of the rules, but the use of Provoke is certainly a repeated pattern that is worth considering. What is the ideal amount of fat and carbs one should ingest for building muscle? I suspect the only reason its an actual Opportunity attack is either its a rather severe wording oversight and they forgot to put the Provoking wording in there, or it was made to be specifically an OA for the pupose of Sentinel but not any of the other features that care about a creature provoking (like warcaster). Because they are immune to blindness, they technically aren't effected by darkness, but they also don't have any perceptions. Q: Does an Echo need to breath?A: No, Echos don't need to breathe. The real trick to mastering this subclass is knowing when and how to use each feature tactically in each situation. I barely got my head wrapped around what it can do a few weeks ago. See pages that link to and include this page. Answer (1 of 8): Yes, it does. But you are right. But if there is an ally within 5 feet including Mr. Spider then you can, indeed, make straight rolls with sneak attack from the next room. If you are a DM, how would you rule on or run an Echo Knight at your table? But this one is simply epic! blade singing doesnt see much use with this, but as an escape option it allows you to have some incredible movement speed when combined with long strider and/or dashing. Magical Guidance (Tashas Cauldron of Everything Optional feature) A handy optional Tashas Cauldron of Everything feature for boosting the ability checks for counterspell and dispel magic. How to draw a truncated hexagonal tiling? The only thing the enemies see is your echo image, but suddenly, repelling beams blast at them from the dark. 75-feet coverage, up to 45-feet reach in the air, this lets you perform melee maneuvers, but the echo gets popped., Move your echo 30 feet in any direction, up to 60 feet away from you, swap places by spending 15 feet, up to 75 feet traveled, including up to 60 feet of verticality, but the echo gets popped.. Upon a foe entering our reach, we make an opportunity attack, which we replace with a spellthat spell being, of course, eldritch blast. Prestidigitation Utility. I like the genie, but Im already playing one in another game. . But, seriously, does it get any cooler than bringing versions of yourself from alternate/unrealized timelines to help you in combat?! Swap this out for anything else youd rather have. With smart positioning, you can use Repelling Blast to force creatures back into a web repeatedly. I agree. The Echo Knight's Echo is, for all intents and purposes, another piece on the board with a few select things different about it. When a creature that you can see within 5 feet of your echo moves at least 5 feet away from it, you can use your reaction to make an opportunity attack against that creature as if you were in the echo's space. Spell Changes: +counterspell,+spirit guardians, -phantasmal force. Also, and this might be a DM question, but if your Form of Dread makes you take on a ghostly appearance, making you, lets say, a translucent, gray version of yourself, might the echo then also qualify as the source of fear a frightened target might be inhibited by? Episode 3 of Unseen Academicals, examining the second book in the Witches Series, Wyrd Sisters (1988), and using it to explore theories of humour, the power of words, Shakespeare, the history of Macbeth, evolving depictions of witches, broomsticks, Black Aliss, vegetarian ghosts, and more! Attacking together as one, theyre a force to be reckoned with! Then I found this FAQ. If I (Echo Knight fighter) put my echo within 5' of an enemy, does that enable my rogue ally do a sneak attack against that enemy? An alternative approach is choosing The Hexblade subclass to enable a more gish style, letting you utilize the echo to make weapon attacks, letting you utilize its Unleash Incarnation feature, and having access to shield spell early on. When an echo of yours is destroyed by taking damage, you can gain a number of temporary hit points equal to 2d6 + your Constitution modifier, provided you don't already have temporary hit points. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 2022 Tabletop Builds. Even if you are within 5 feet of a hostile enemy, giving you disadvantage on your ranged spell attack rolls, you are still firing multiple beams. As is common with Dunamancy magic, things tend to get a little wibbly-wobbly-timey-wimey with the Echo Knight Fighter. They wouldnt be able to no, you would only be able to make normal attacks with a 10ft reach. The hit point-gated status effects are pretty underwhelming, since at this level of play, by the time an enemy has hit points that low, they can likely be killed with at-will attacks or much lower level area-of-effect spells. The knight soon arrived to hear the sad story, and, maddened with fury, rushed forward to the spot. This is following the same logic as spike growth forced movement, as the echo doesnt care how the movement occurs, just that it does. So, youve got your echo summoned. How come? These are from timelines that didnt happen, so you can definitely have some fun with them. Append content without editing the whole page source. Starting at 6th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. I ran with an echo knight /swashbuckler. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. You can trap enemies inside it and have them waste turns trying to get out. The show features a total of twelve 17-20 minute episodes in its first season. Check out how this page has evolved in the past. This build features The Undead, as its Form of Dread plays well into its gameplan of keeping enemies away, and the feature scales on its own without requiring further investment. youll be able to use any wizard noncleric sorcerer scrolls you find Your ability to keep strategic control over combat positioning has just grown exponentially! Its a twin alternating character to a monster npc character I had been playing in drop in sessions that the party decided to bring to life. Echo knight is one of the most fun subclasses to build around. Horizon Walker Ranger (16) / Echo Knight Fighter (4) The Echo Knight is incredible! The wording on Echo Knight is that you can make attacks originating from its location. Because Juiblex and Zuggtmoy are at war, Zuggtmoy had a circle of spores druid, loyal to her cast resurrection in exchange for providing powers to this character to aid in her war with Juiblex. This stops any movement they may have been taking. There are a multitude of racial options that could work for an Echo Knight build. If youre concerned that being in melee happens often, picking up Crossbow Expert or Gunner is an option. Sometimes being a real pain for the party. Do note that you need 15 feet of movement to make the swap, so being grappled or restrained can limit this. Manifest Echo says, "When a creature that you can see. At any point after Ghostlance is online, another level in Fighter can fetch you an ASI, or in Warlock for pact boon options and 2nd level slots. Then, when you take the Attack action, youre all set to get an extra swing in on an enemy! Skills Deception, Intimidation. Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under. If your echo is ever more than 30 feet from you at the end of your turn, it is destroyed. Mending Utility. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. (Even if it can float.). But wait, wouldnt you instead attack from the echos space? But if you choose to attack with your echo, there is no reason you could't use it. " So you if you use Manifest Echo to make an opportunity attack through an Echo, you can use Warcaster to cast a spell in place of that Opportunity Attack, and this all works because, mechanically, you make the Opportunity Attack "as if you were in the Echos space". If for some reason you want to engage in melee yourself anyways, picking up Crossbow Expert or Gunner to remove the ranged attack disadvantage is a consideration. Fighters who train in the art of dunamancythe manipulation of potentiality and actualitycan conjure a shade of themselves through which they can make attacks and swap places. Its a simple feature with a truly huge effect on the game. (The glowing magic item in the cube was originally why the party left it alive to follow them, nervous the gm had a trick and was using the glowing magic item as bait / this GM is constantly subverting expectations with anything he can like sentient weapons changing character alignments and other things like diseases or spell effects not working when rolling 1 and things like players growing tails or chaning Color happens every few sessions). This is not an Echo Knight handbook or build guide, and I am purposefully trying to avoid stating opinions. Even the wildshape is required to be something that the gelatinous cube once consumed in its past, which only the GM knows. This means you can use it to see on the other side of a wall, and you can summon the echo there because that takes a bonus action, but you can't then take the attack action while still seeing the enemy, which means disadvantage, which cancels out the advantage from hiding, which may mean no sneak attack. For all intents and purposes, you are still performing all your actions and attacks even when attacking through its space. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Critical Role DM Matt Mercer has provided some early details about the Echo Knight, one of the new subclasses appearing in Explorer's Guide to Wildemount. Okay, thanks for referencing me, I appreciate it. Fight with Clones: Echo Knight 5E Guide. 2. While the tweet seemed to merely state the developers intent without actually disputing the interaction, its understandable that others may disagree with the existence of Forcelance in light of it. Sorry about the confusion.". Flavor is free, but for all intents and purposes, reflavoring is changing how something appears, which is distinctly different to changing how things work mechanically, which is something to discuss at your table instead. This however will cause your spells to be cast from the Echos location as it is irrelevant whether you are actually making an OA or delivering a spell via War Caster, as you need to be in that space when the creature leaves that spaces reach to fulfill the conditions of provoke in the first place. I really like both the Undead Warlock and the Echo Knight so this was a blast to read. On your turn, you can mentally command the echo to move up to 30 feet in any direction (no action required). 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